We create software that helps your business prosper

Your business defines the solution. A secure, supportive environment that enables timely access to your data when you, or your customers need it is key in today's business environment. Engineering a proper implementation can be a challenge when trying to focus on your customers. Let us apply our expertise and know-how in producing a solution for you and help save your best for what you do best. Contact us today to kick off a successful working partnership. What our clients look for?

Operational efficiency

Automation of routine processes

Software that works for them, not the other way around

Instant productivity

Software that adapts as their business grows

Beating their competitors

Get Started

Get Started Now!

Talk to us today about your project (858) 717-3142
to kick off a successful working partnership.

Software that actually works for you!

ADNPlus is Claris

First Class Support, New Technology

The need to break away from the pack and follow that goal to stand out and see the brilliance of your imagination come alive. Connect your apps today!


Hello Design

"I may have to use it but I don't have to like it!" Thankfully for Kramer, today you can use and like what you use. At ADNPlus, form always follows function, but we will make sure that if there is ever a moment you find yourself getting dragged to your chair to complete that late, late order, your software will be there for you so you can be done asap:) "People ignore designs that ignore people" - Frank


Production Ready

Indeed there are not many software solutions that are able to function the way your organization wants them to from day 1. Seeing a program working for the first time as if it is the way you've always operated, never fails to provide a certain rush, a feeling that you've defined the normal way of working and solved one of the problems holding back your competitors.

Extensible and Scalable

You don't have to squeeze everything above the fold. Your app continues to grow as your business does, the true sign of innovation. FileMaker isn’t just a platform to solve general business problems. It’s a platform to solve your business problems. We help you streamline your operation and help you get a lot more work done in the same amount of time. Escape the work rut today.

We do the hard stuff.

We assess your requirements and potential pitfalls early, and begin with a clear project goal.

Our detail-oriented approach to project estimation is based on technical realities, not wishful thinking. We research components interaction, licensing, and environmental dependencies, to attain a set of specifications, delivery schedule, and budget.

The result is a flexible, complete solution that effectively meets your business application objectives.

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What our Customers are saying.

At ADNPlus your success is our business. We're happy, if you are happy.

Effective & Stunning Design

We build the software you love to use everyday!

And we love building it for you:)

Streamlined design to complex business problems, our specialty.

You've got a solid business idea and the right team. How will you track, organize, automate, and streamline your business processes and customer management?

Whether FileMaker, QuickBooks, Shopify, Custom, or Google we are experts at making all the pieces of the software puzzle fit. The result? An effective software solution that gives you results!

If you are looking for software that works for you, instead of the other way around, we can help.

FileMaker multiplatform design by ADNPlus

We focus on award winning software as well as the latest in best practises to create a systems platform that grows with you as your sales volume increases. Many of our customers were startups that have evolved into highly successful companies. Ask us about how we can help yours today!

For more ideas on growing your business, including a free analysis of your configuration to help you get the most out of your sofware, contact us today.

Multi-user, scalable solutions

Cloud and LAN hosting and system backup

Integration with cloud services

Secure, multi-device, role based data access

Got an Idea? Get in Touch

Let our expertise show you how promising your future can be.

Need software that actually works for you?

Contact us today.

Let's talk about your project

Have a question about our solutions, need cloud hosting? Contact us at (858) 717-3142 today! (8am-7pm PST, M-F)

Our Offices

ADNPlus, Inc.(San Diego)

4747 Morena Blvd., Suite 375
San Diego, CA 92117

ADNPlus, Inc.(Carlsbad)

3492 Rich Field Dr,
Carslbad, CA 92010

Contact Information

(Customer Service)

Phone: (858) 717-3142

Fax: (858) 345-3299

Email: [email protected]

FileMaker today: Highest User Satisfaction and Market Presence.

Successful organizations of all sizes prefer the FileMaker Platform because it’s the easiest, most cost-effective way to create a custom apps that solve everyday business challenges. In almost every segment of business, be they Startups, Mid-size, Fortune 500, Non-Profits, Government and Educational institutions, millions of professionals rely on FileMaker solutions to organize projects, people, assets, manage processes and more. ADNPlus is a FileMaker Business Alliance member since 2006.
